
Generate BSD-style hash digest checksums for a list of files

Image Image Image Image

Show the version and exit.

-d, --debug

debug mode

--shell-completion TEXT

configure shell completion

-h, –hash [sha512|md5|sha256|blake2b|sha3_256|sha224|blake2s|sha1|sha384|sha3_224|sha3_512|sha3_384]

select checksum hash

-p, –progress / -P, –no-progress

show/hide progress bar

-a, --ascii

ASCII progress bar

-f, –find / -F, –no-find generate file list with ‘find’ -s, –sort-files / -S, –no-sort-files

sort input/generated file list

-o, –sort-output / -O, –no-sort-output

sort output with ‘sort’

-b, --base-dir DIRECTORY

base directory for file list


Show this message and exit.

Usage: hashtree [OPTIONS] [INFILE] [OUTFILE]

  generate hash digest for list of files

  --version                       Show the version and exit.
  -d, --debug                     debug mode
  --shell-completion TEXT         configure shell completion
  -h, --hash [sha3_256|blake2b|blake2s|sha384|md5|sha3_512|sha224|sha256|sha3_384|sha1|sha3_224|sha512]
                                  select checksum hash  [default: sha256]
  -p, --progress / -P, --no-progress
                                  show/hide progress bar  [default: p]
  -a, --ascii                     ASCII progress bar
  -f, --find / -F, --no-find      generate file list with 'find'  [default: f]
  -s, --sort-files / -S, --no-sort-files
                                  sort input/generated file list  [default: s]
  -o, --sort-output / -O, --no-sort-output
                                  sort output with 'sort'  [default: O]
  -k, --sort-key TEXT             sort key (sort -k KEY)  [default: 1.1]
  -b, --base-dir DIRECTORY        base directory for file list  [default: .]
  --help                          Show this message and exit.